Rise With Linguere

February 14th is V-Day! To millions of people around the world, the V means Valentine’s. To others -at least 1 in every three women and girls around the world- it means another day as a victim of Violence. One Billion Rising for Justice calls on you to RISE on this day and call for an end to Violence Against Women and Girls. People all over the world are rising to speak, sing, dance, walk, run and get together for this cause!

Join Linguere to rise online and add our voices to this call. Get your friends to join you too. Your voice matters and together, we can raise more awareness and call for more action to end VAW. Let’s show some love!

Below are the details you’ll need to join the campaign. If you have difficulties coming up with a message, don’t hesitate to contact us! We’ll be glad to help you find one! Let’s do this!1391908195492


#RiseWithLinguere  #OneBillionRising

0 thoughts on “Rise With Linguere

  1. Dearest- I saw on the One Billion Rising website that you are planning a V-Day event. Would love to have a physical meeting/ event and not just a social media based campaign. Let’s meet up.

    1. Hello JS,
      I opted for a social media-based campaign because of time constraints and my workload at school, thus not being able to organise a physical meeting. It’s also to reach out to friends in different countries an mainly to create a buzz to raise awareness on VAW.
      If you have anything going on, I’d be glad to make time to attend and be a part of it . Thanks for reaching out 🙂

      1. Hey girl- organizing something before Friday is probably out of the question, but we should meet sometime to talk about future woman-centric events. What do you think? I’d love to buy you a coffee.

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