Our Souls Yearn For Justice

Boom! We all heard it and panicked, for the sound was unfamiliar to our young ears

Smoke rose on that sunny spring day, amidst the chaos and the confusion

Boom! It went again and the class was brought to a complete halt

Gunshots filled the air, punctuated by the loud sirens of the ragged police cars

We were lost, confused, terrified and drenched in a sudden outpour of sweat

Covering us from head to toe, as realization hit us hard.

It was time to act, and the stage was open for us; for all

With hurried footsteps, we moved towards the chaos.

Drawn by a loud voice, calling us to join our compatriots in the fight

A voice so loud it drowned out the calls from friends and loved ones

Our youth wouldn’t let us turn back and head for safety

Our conscience guided our footsteps as we walked into the unknown.

Clad in our uniforms; a costume worn by hundreds of actors that day

Regal in our eyes, but also the signature on our death certificates.

Together we marched on, hand in hand, heads held high

With somber faces, we broke into a song, demanding justice.

Young, angelic voices filled the taut air for a moment

Ignoring the threatening frenzy around us

As demonic faces lay in wait, behind deadly weapons

Waiting for an order to put a finger to the trigger.

After filling our lungs with uncountable measures of teargas.

Resilient in our struggle, we still marched on; then it came

We felt a new set of hands, guiding us peacefully towards the heavens

We looked down at the chaos and saw friends crowded over our bodies

We screamed, yet none but our guardian angels could hear us

We begged to be set free to wipe the tears off our loved ones’ faces

They looked at us with smiles, saying we’d finally come home to rest

And our fight shall be picked up by another just like us.

It’s been 12 years and we still search for that peaceful rest we were promised

We wander in the world of lost and cheated young souls

Hoping and wishing, crying out loud for our death to be avenged

Many like us roam this world of souls, consoling each other

Our families still mourn for us; our friends too

Complete strangers demand for justice and pray for our souls

We hold on to the thin ropes of hope; faithfully.

Our cries may be stifled, but our memories are still fresh

Our graves have grown old, but our blood still covers the land

The years have gone by, but the wounds are still fresh

Our troubled souls still roam this heartless Earth

We take comfort in one thing; prayer and knowledge that

We were young; we were wronged; we were maimed and killed

Gambian angels silenced by the demonic traits of the souls of men!


In  loving memory of the April 10th and 11th 2000 student demonstrations

2 thoughts on “Our Souls Yearn For Justice

  1. In Loving Memory of all the victims of April 10th and 11th. For those who have departed, may their wronged souls find the most tranquil of peace. You are the martyrs of our great nation. And for the injured victims, those whose lives will forever be marred by the events of the past, we all pray that justice will one day be served for only then can your wounds be healed. There are no heroes more worthy of the title. Thank you for the sacrifice you have made in our honour <3

    1. Amen to the prayers Haddy. They truly are our heros and I hope, one day, justice shall prevail in their case! May their young souls continue to rest in peace

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