Of The Xalam And Its Broken Strings

Source: senegalaisement.com

 Xalam demoon na bay neex, buum ya dog

Literal meaning: The sound of the xalam was so beautiful but the strings broke all of a sudden.

English equivalent: Don’t count your chickens before they hatch

This could be put in perspective using the human being and his daily activities as an example. Sometimes we find ourselves involved in a particular activity and gradually see it unraveling successfully. All of a sudden, things start going downhill or come to an abrupt end. Hopes are shattered and some people tend to give up at this point. Others choose to try and try again, hoping to succeed some more. This proverb, I believe, tries to prepare us for disappointment. It is one thing to be optimistic but a completely different thing to be realistic. In everything we do, it’s best to weigh out the pros and the cons. This way, we can easily map out plans for the different challenges expected and of course, others that jump out from nowhere. Keep your eye out for success, but always reserve a tiny room for disappointment for it is bound to rear its ugly head at one point in your life!

*The Xalam is the traditional musical instrument shown in the picture above.

4 thoughts on “Of The Xalam And Its Broken Strings

  1. admire your last line “Keep your eye out for success, but always reserve a tiny room for disappointment for it is bound to rear its ugly head at one point in your life!”. It’s a truism.

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